We are all aware that there is a priest shortage in the Saginaw Diocese and across the country. We are currently involved in a Diocesan push to ask young men to consider the priesthood, and we continue to pray for vocations. The future of the Church depends on young men answering this call.

We also have another shortage in the Church, and that is for liturgical musicians. There are several open music positions in this Diocese and beyond, with no one coming up to fill them. As most of you know, when I originally retired from the music position nearly three years ago, no one came forward to apply for the position even though it was posted three times.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m delighted to be playing and directing the choir (in addition to my new ministries), but I can’t go on forever, and many of the musicians in our diocese are approaching retirement age. We need to be looking ahead to a time when we will need musicians who can be called upon to cover weekend liturgies for us.

Do You Play Piano? Or Know Someone Who Does?

The Saginaw Chapter of the National Pastoral Musicians is launching a new program known as the Catholic Church Music Mentorship Initiative (CCMMI) that will hopefully begin to change this situation.

Here is how it works. We are looking for a few young people (or even adults looking to use their keyboard skills) to join an individualized program that helps them take their piano skills and get the training and encouragement they need to become people who can confidently accompany a congregation at Mass.  An experienced church musician works with them every step of the way.

If you know someone that would benefit from this program, you can give me their name (or parent’s name) and a way to contact them. Anyone who lives in the Saginaw Diocese is eligible to apply for CCMMI. Scheduling and location are arranged on an individual basis. 

Please call me at (989) 859-7417 with questions or with names of people to invite. Watch for more information next week about topics to be covered and further details.

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