Path Two: Initiation for Adults and Older Children

Path Two: Initiation for Adults and Older Children

The second path to full initiation occurs when an individual has not been baptized as an infant, and seeks to enter the Catholic Church. This can happen for older children, teens, or adults who, for various reasons, were not baptized in infancy.

For these individuals, the Church provides the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). For adults and children of catechetical age preparing to receive all three Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist—this journey to conversion often begins with a period of inquiry, followed by the stages of the catechumenate, purification, and enlightenment.

Participation in the OCIA typically involves several months (or even longer) of catechesis, prayer, and spiritual formation, as candidates learn about the Catholic faith, the sacraments, and what it means to live as a disciple of Christ. Once, an individual decides to enter the Catholic Church, they experience a profound moment of grace as they are baptized, confirmed, and receive their First Communion—all in one celebration, usually during the Easter Vigil Mass.

Baptism washes away original sin and incorporates them into the Body of Christ. Immediately afterward, they are confirmed, receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their new life as Christians. Finally, they share in the Eucharist, fully participating in the sacrament that unites all Catholics with Christ’s sacrifice.

This second path emphasizes the complete initiation of a person into the Church. It is an experience of being fully embraced by the Church and given the spiritual resources they need to live as committed Catholics from that moment forward.

 Unity of the Two Paths

While these two paths to full initiation may appear different, they are united by the same goal: bringing individuals into the fullness of life in Christ. Whether baptized as an infant or initiated as an older child or an adult, both paths lead to full communion with the Church and a shared identity as members of the Body of Christ.

Each path invites individuals to embrace the faith and participate fully in the sacramental life. In this way, the Church welcomes everyone into a community bound by love and the desire to live out the Gospel. The two paths show how the Church, like Christ himself, meets people wherever they are on their faith journey, offering grace and guidance to all who seek to know God more deeply.

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